Shrishti Saha Shetu, Emanuël A. P. Habets, Andreas Brendel

Fraunhofer IIS, Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

{shrishti.saha.shetu, emanuel.habets, andreas.brendel}


In this study, we conduct a comparative analysis of deep learning-based noise reduction methods in low signal-to-noise ratio scenarios. Our investigation primarily focuses on five key aspects: The impact of training data, the influence of various loss functions, the effectiveness of noise and speech estimation techniques, the efficacy of masking, mapping, and deep filtering methodologies, and the exploration of different model capacities on noise reduction performance and speech quality. Through comprehensive experimentation, we provide insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and applicability of these methods in low SNR environments. The findings derived from our analysis are intended to assist both researchers and practitioners in selecting better techniques tailored to their specific applications within the domain of low SNR noise reduction.

Evaluation Scenarios

In our work, we evaluate different SOTA discriminative deep learning-based noise reduction methods in various SNR scenraios.

Following you can find some processed samples with different Methods:

Item 1 (SNR: -4dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 2 (SNR: -6dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 3 (SNR: -2dB, Speaker: Male)


Item 4 (SNR: -2dB, Speaker: Male)


Item 5 (SNR: 0dB, Speaker: Male)


Item 6 (SNR: -14dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 7 (SNR: -6dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 8 (SNR: -11dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 9 (SNR: -4dB, Speaker: Female)


Item 10 (SNR: -13dB, Speaker: Female)


Conditions of Use

1.Fraunhofer IIS generated this sound material based on material that is publicly available on DNS Challenge and ESC-50 .

2.The content has been processed using generally accepted rules of technology as well as scientific care, but not actual attainment of any expected feature.

3. With the exception of willful intent or gross negligence, Fraunhofer IIS shall not be liable that Open Source software or other third-party software is free from any error or claim or its fitness for a particular purpose, even if included within the Sound Material.

4.The Sound Material shall only be used for testing and appreciating noise reduction techniques and shall not be copied, publicly transmitted, distributed, lent or modified for any other reason.

5.No representation or warranties are made or implied regarding the accuracy, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose of Sound Material.

6.Copyright and Permission notice shall be duplicated whenever Sound Material is copied, distributed, or publicly transmitted.

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